Prayer for compassion & love in your relationship
Prayer for compassion & love in your relationship – dear Lord, I know I have sinned and done so many wrong things in my relationship and as well as my partner.
I have done the worse but I know That You O’ Lord are a forgiving God and will guide me through this hard time between me and my love to where I need to be. Protect him/her Dear Lord, (s)he is the one I love so much on this earth. Guide him/her to his/her destinations.
Protect him/her from evil. Show him/her the love that no one may ever be able to touch. Guide him/her back to me safely O’Lord. Guide us back into each other’s arms with understanding, compassion, love, and faith. I Thank You O’Lord for giving him/her to me for the period of time we may be together and have been a part of one another’s life.
Prayer for compassion & love in your relationship
Keep us together by your Holy hands, Love, Protection, and eternal Joy. Give us the strength to go through each challenge we may face together and as separates. Dear Lord, I love you, with all my heart and soul. You are the Divine and most loving God.